Today marks one month since I decided to hit launch and reveal Beautifully Thrifted to the world. Vividly, I remember being so nervous because I knew everything was not perfect. Launch day was very overwhelming for a few reasons. The love and support I received was simply amazing. After months of hard work, I decided to launch my blog which was scary. Following the launch of my blog, there was the pressure to live up to my expectations of blogging, content, and social media etc.
Several times along this journey I have had to remind myself that nothing is perfect. There is an no way that I can get better if I didn’t start somewhere! From day one, I knew that there would be good days and not so good days. No matter how uncomfortable this journey has been, it has been equally satisfying. I keep pushing because I’ve wanted to create a blog for over 5 years. God never removed my desire to start this blog so I know Beautifully Thrifted is meant to be. When I begin to feel discouraged God turns things around for me by reminding me that I am right on track. Just 3 days ago, I started doubting myself when my bestfriend Armani sent me the following text message: Love the new post!!!! Keep Creating.
Fun fact – I am extremely camera shy! So, why is it that I have the most fun taking pictures and producing content? What have you enjoyed the most about Beautifully Thrifted?
Everyday, I am setting, measuring and reaching goals for my blog. Cheers to my first month as a blogger!