Thrifted & Proud
Until recently, I have noticed that there has been a negative association with “thrift”. For me – thrift is about being economical, and frugal. Many people frown upon being frugal and economical especially in a time where the more you spend the cooler you appear to be. For me, THRIFT is about valuing your coin!
Grandma Claudine
According to my momma, not only do my granny and I share a name we also share a love for thrift. My granny died when I was a little girl, but I still cherish the memories we made and often wonder what she would say about me today. My momma tells me stories about how she and granny hit garage sales every weekend followed by a shopping spree at the mall. Yes, granny had a coin and she was still hitting the garage sales! Thank you, granny for being Frugal & Fine!
Early Thrift Experiences
Growing up I never really had much but just enough! Today, I credit my past for instilling in me the value of a dollar! My early thrift experiences were at Mi Lewis in Dickinson, and various other churches. As a teenager, my sister and I worked at a small thrift store off HWY 3 in Dickinson on Saturdays. We would stock the shelves, and clean/separate items that came into the store! We would earn $20 each for working about 2-3hours! Thank you, Ms. Josie!
My first thrift store purchase was a pair of jean shorts. My sister and I were home bored on a weekend and walked to a thrift store right next to where we lived. We were in high school at the time. I vividly remember the shorts being $3, everything else was history. Thank you, Joenay for being my best friend.
Beautifully Thrifted
In 2015, I started a thrift blog that I discontinued due to work/life balance. Now, I am embarking on my journey to show as many people as possible how you can be beautiful in a $10 thrift store outfit! No, not everything that I own is thrifted just in case you were wondering. However, I thrift everything from furniture and home décor to clothes. Thank you, Texada family for making thrift a family experience.
Thrift is more than thrift stores with secondhand clothes. Thrift is about economic purchases…frugal finds, sales and clearance racks included! Thank you, Daddy, Corrie and Leo for encouraging me to just go for it.
Click here for details on this thrifted outfit!